Hoverfly commandsΒΆ

This page contains the output of:

hoverfly --help

The command’s help content has been placed here for convenience.

Usage of hoverfly:
        Add new user '-add -username hfadmin -password hfpass'
        Supply '-admin=false' to make this non admin user (default true)
  -ap string
        Admin port - run admin interface on another port (i.e. '-ap 1234' to run admin UI on port 1234)
        Enable authentication
  -cache-size int
        Set the size of request/response cache (default 1000)
        Start Hoverfly in capture mode - transparently intercepts and saves requests/response
  -cert string
        CA certificate used to sign MITM certificates
  -cert-name string
        Cert name (default "hoverfly.proxy")
  -cert-org string
        Organisation name for new cert (default "Hoverfly Authority")
  -client-authentication-ca-cert string
        Path to the ca cert file used for authentication
  -client-authentication-client-cert string
        Path to the client certification file used for authentication
  -client-authentication-client-key string
        Path to the client key file used for authentication
  -client-authentication-destination string
        Regular expression of destination with client authentication
        Enable CORS support
  -db string
        Storage to use - 'boltdb' or 'memory' which will not write anything to disk (DEPRECATED) (default "memory")
  -db-path string
        A path to a BoltDB file with persisted user and token data for authentication (DEPRECATED)
  -dest value
        Specify which hosts to process (i.e. '-dest fooservice.org -dest barservice.org -dest catservice.org') - other hosts will be ignored will passthrough'
  -destination string
        Control which URLs Hoverfly should intercept and process, it can be string or regex (default ".")
        Enable CORS headers to allow Hoverfly Admin UI development
  -dev-cors-origin string
        Custom CORS origin for dev mode (default "http://localhost:4200")
        Start Hoverfly in diff mode - calls real server and compares the actual response with the expected simulation config if present
        Disable the request/response cache (the cache that sits in front of matching)
        Generate CA certificate and private key for MITM
  -import value
        Import from file or from URL (i.e. '-import my_service.json' or '-import http://mypage.com/service_x.json'
  -journal-size int
        Set the size of request/response journal (default 1000)
  -key string
        Private key of the CA used to sign MITM certificates
  -listen-on-host string
        Specify which network interface to bind to, eg. will bind to all interfaces. By default hoverfly will only bind ports to loopback interface
  -log-level string
        Set log level (panic, fatal, error, warn, info or debug) (default "info")
        Disable colors for logging
  -logs string
        Specify format for logs, options are "plaintext" and "json" (default "plaintext")
  -logs-file string
        Specify log file name for output logs (default "hoverfly.log")
  -logs-output value
        Specify locations for output logs, options are "console" and "file" (default "console")
  -logs-size int
        Set the amount of logs to be stored in memory (default 1000)
        Enable metrics logging to stdout
  -middleware string
        Set middleware by passing the name of the binary and the path of the middleware script separated by space. (i.e. '-middleware "python script.py"')
        Start Hoverfly in modify mode - applies middleware (required) to both outgoing and incoming HTTP traffic
        Skip duplicate request check when importing simulations
  -password string
        Password for new user
  -password-hash string
        Password hash for new user instead of password
        Use plain http tunneling to host with non-443 port
  -pp string
        Proxy port - run proxy on another port (i.e. '-pp 9999' to run proxy on port 9999)
  -response-body-files-allow-origin value
        When a response contains a url in bodyFile, it will be loaded only if the origin is allowed
  -response-body-files-path string
        When a response contains a relative bodyFile, it will be resolved against this path (default is CWD)
        Start Hoverfly in spy mode, similar to simulate but calls real server when cache miss
        Start Hoverfly in synthesize mode (middleware is required)
        Turn on/off tls verification for outgoing requests (will not try to verify certificates) (default true)
  -upstream-proxy string
        Specify an upstream proxy for hoverfly to route traffic through
  -username string
        Username for new user
  -v    Should every proxy request be logged to stdout
        Get the version of hoverfly
        Start Hoverfly in webserver mode (simulate mode)