
This is by far the simplest example on how to get started with HoverPy. Please run this example using:

$ env PYTHONPATH=.:${PYTHONPATH} python examples/basic/

You should see your IP address show up twice. Let’s walk through the code to see what’s happening.

>>> from hoverpy import HoverPy
>>> import requests

Above, we start by importing our most important class HoverPy. We also bring in requests for our http traffic.

Now let’s create our HoverPy object in capture mode. We do so with a with statement as this is the pythonic way, although this is not a necessity.

>>> with HoverPy(capture=True) as hoverpy:

Print the json from our get request. Hoverpy acted as a proxy: it made the request on our behalf, captured it, and returned it to us.

>>>     print(requests.get("").json())

Switch HoverPy to simulate mode. HoverPy no longer acts as a proxy; all it does from now on is replay the captured data.

>>>     hoverpy.simulate()

Print the json from our get request. This time the data comes from the store.

>>>     print(requests.get("").json())


You may have noticed this created a requests.db inside your current directory. This is a boltdb database, holding our requests, and their responses.