Hoverfly Java has a DSL which allows you to build request matcher to response mappings in Java instead of importing them as JSON.

The DSL is fluent and hierarchical, allowing you to define multiple service endpoints as follows:


        .post("/api/bookings").body("{\"flightId\": \"1\"}")

        .willReturn(success("{\"bookingId\":\"1\"\}", "application/json")),


        .put("/api/bookings/1").body(json(new Booking("foo", "bar")))


The entry point for the DSL is HoverflyDSL.service. After calling this you can provide a method and path, followed by optional request components. You can then use willReturn to state which response you want when there is a match, which takes ResponseBuilder object that you can instantiate directly, or via the helper class ResponseCreators.

Simulate network delay

You can also simulate fixed network delay using DSL.

Global delays can be set for all requests or for a particular HTTP method:

        .andDelay(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS).forAll(),

        .andDelay(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS).forMethod("POST")

Per-request delay can be set as follows:

        .willReturn(success().withDelay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))

Request/response body conversion

There is currently an HttpBodyConverter interface which can be used to marshall Java objects into strings, and also set a content type header automatically.

It can be used for both request and response body, and supports JSON and XML data format out-of-the-box.

// For request body matcher
.body(equalsToJson(json(myObject)))     // with default objectMapper
.body(equalsToJson(json(myObject, myObjectMapper)))     // with custom objectMapper

// For response body
.body(xml(myObject, myObjectMapper))

There is an implementation which lets you write inline JSON body efficiently with single quotes.

.body(jsonWithSingleQuotes("{'merchantName':'Jame\\'s'}"))  // escape single quote in your data if necessary