
Import hoverpy’s main class: HoverPy

>>> from hoverpy import HoverPy

Create our HoverPy object in capture mode

>>> with HoverPy(capture=True) as hp:

Import urllib3 for http, and build a proxy manager

>>>     import urllib3
>>>     http = urllib3.proxy_from_url("http://localhost:8500/")

Print the json from our get request. Hoverpy acted as a proxy: it made the request on our behalf, captured it, and returned it to us.

>>>     print(http.request('GET', 'http://ip.jsontest.com/myip').data)

Switch HoverPy to simulate mode. HoverPy no longer acts as a proxy; all it does from now on is replay the captured data.

>>>     hp.simulate()

Print the json from our get request. This time the data comes from the store.

>>>     print(http.request('GET', 'http://ip.jsontest.com/myip').data)