hoverctl commands

This page contains the output of:

hoverctl --help

The command’s help content has been placed here for convenience.

hoverctl is the command line tool for Hoverfly

  hoverctl [command]

Available Commands:
  completion             Create Bash completion file for hoverctl
  config                 Show hoverctl configuration information
  delete                 Delete Hoverfly simulation
  destination            Get and set Hoverfly destination
  diff                   Manage the diffs for Hoverfly
  export                 Export a simulation from Hoverfly
  flush                  Flush the internal cache in Hoverfly
  help                   Help about any command
  import                 Import a simulation into Hoverfly
  journal-index          Manage the journal index for Hoverfly
  login                  Login to Hoverfly
  logs                   Get the logs from Hoverfly
  middleware             Get and set Hoverfly middleware
  mode                   Get and set the Hoverfly mode
  post-serve-action      Manage the post-serve-action for Hoverfly
  simulation             Manage the simulation for Hoverfly
  start                  Start Hoverfly
  state                  Manage the state for Hoverfly
  status                 Get the current status of Hoverfly
  stop                   Stop Hoverfly
  targets                Get the current targets registered with hoverctl
  templating-data-source Manage the templating data source for Hoverfly
  version                Get the version of hoverctl

  -f, --force           Bypass any confirmation when using hoverctl
  -h, --help            help for hoverctl
      --set-default     Sets the current target as the default target for hoverctl
  -t, --target string   A name for an instance of Hoverfly you are trying to communicate with. Overrides the default target (default)
  -v, --verbose         Verbose logging from hoverctl

Use "hoverctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hoverctl auto completion

hoverctl supplies auto completion for Bash. Run the following command to install the completions.

hoverctl completion

This will create the completion file in your hoverfly directory and create a symbolic link in your bash_completion.d folder.

Optionally you can supply a location for the symbolic link as an argument to the completion command.

hoverctl completion /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/hoverctl